Chinese synonyms: Duramycin, Duramycin, Enramycin, Enramycin, Duramycin, Enramycin, Enramycin, Enramycin, Enramycin Premix
English Name:
English synonym:RRCr
C number:
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Related categories : Anti-homogeneous growth promoter feed additive
Properties: White or yellow-white powder. Generally, the crude product is used, which is gray to gray-brown powder and has a specific odor. Easily soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid.
Enramycin is obtained by fermentation of actinomycetes (). It is a polypeptide antibiotic that combines unsaturated fatty acids with more than a dozen amino acids. The main components are enramycin and its hydrochloride form. .
Advantages and characteristics of enramycin:
) Adding a small amount of enramycin to the feed can promote growth and significantly increase feed returns.
) Enramycin can show good antibacterial effects against Gram-positive bacteria under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Enramycin has a strong effect on Clostridium perfringens, which is the main cause of growth inhibition and necrotizing enteritis in pigs and chickens.
) There is no cross-resistance to enramycin.
) Enramycin resistance develops very slowly, and no Clostridium perfringens resistant to enramycin has yet been isolated.
) Because enramycin is not absorbed in the intestine, there is no need to worry about drug residue and there is no withdrawal period.
) Enramycin has stable performance in feed and remains active even during the processing of pellets.
) Enramycin can reduce the occurrence of loose feces in chickens.
) Enramycin can inhibit ammonia-producing microorganisms, thus reducing the ammonia concentration in the intestines and blood of pigs and chickens, thereby reducing the ammonia concentration in the livestock house.
) Enramycin can reduce the clinical symptoms of coccidiosis, probably because enramycin has a strong inhibitory effect on anaerobic bacteria in secondary infections.
Usage: Enramycin has strong activity against Gram-positive bacteria and is not prone to drug resistance. It can promote the growth of livestock and poultry and improve feed conversion rate. It can be used as feed for pigs under one month old. The dosage is . (&) (&) /. It can also be used for chicken feed under one week old. The dosage is /. It is prohibited during the laying period.
Application research:
Because enramycin has a wide range of resistance to Gram-positive bacteria and has excellent growth-promoting and feed utilization effects, it is often used clinically as an antibiotic for poultry, pigs, and fish. Growth agents. Xu Chuan et al. used enramycin, chlortetracycline and bacitracin antibiotic additives to be added to the feed to conduct comparative experiments on production performance and economic benefits of broiler chickens. The results showed that enramycin can significantly improve the production performance of broiler chickens, and the economic benefits are .% and .% higher than those of the chlortetracycline and bacitracin groups respectively. Feeding experiments show that adding a small amount of enramycin to piglets' diets can improve the digestion and utilization of feed protein and dry matter, promote piglet growth, increase daily weight gain, reduce piglet diarrhea rates, and at the same time have the effect of relieving stress. effect. Adding enramycin to feed can significantly improve the weight gain of ~1-day-old pigs and improve the commercial performance of pigs. Adding / and ~ / enramycin to the feed can speed up the growth rate of heterotrophic crucian carp, and can also reduce the feed coefficient, thereby reducing the cost of feed.
The effect of enramycin on chickens
Enramycin mixture can promote growth and improve feed return for both broilers and pullets. Effective in preventing watery stools.
) Chickens may sometimes experience defecation due to disorder of intestinal flora. Enramycin mainly acts on intestinal flora and can improve poor bowel movements.
) Enramycin can enhance the anti-coccidial activity of anti-coccidial drugs or reduce the occurrence of coccidiosis.
Efficacy of enramycin on pigs
Enramycin mixture can promote growth and improve feed return for both piglets and growing pigs.
According to the results of multiple tests, the recommended dosage for pigs is...
Effect of preventing diarrhea
Adding enramycin to piglet feed can not only promote growth and improve feed return. And it can reduce the occurrence of diarrhea in piglets.
Application effect in aquatic feed
Enramycin added to the feed can significantly increase the daily weight gain of fish and reduce the feed coefficient.
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